
Pugmire Fantasy Tabletop RPG

Created by Richard Thomas

Contribute to help us create a beautifully illustrated, traditionally printed hardcover version of Pugmire for sale in stores.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fiction anthology achieved! Up next: Adventure in the core book and additional anthology story!
about 9 years ago – Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 02:14:04 PM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^

Having passed $50,000, you're enabling us to begin the Pugmire Anthology, with 3 stories, including one from Eddy that's a bit Leiber and a bit Wodehouse. This PDF will be sent to everyone who pledged for a reward tier including the Pugmire core book PDF.

Up next, at $65,000 of contributions, we will include the Pugmire Introductory Adventure in the main Pugmire book itself, increasing the book's word count and usability.

After that, at $80,000 of contributions, we will commission an additional 3 short stories to be added to the Pugmire Anthology PDF/eBook that we will send to all backers who pledge for a reward tier that include a Pugmire PDF. Included in these three stories will be a story by long time friend of Pugmire, game designer and author Sean Patrick Fannon.

Thank you for your support! This has been amazing so far!

Preview: Mood, Theme, and Action
about 9 years ago – Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 05:46:15 AM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^ Here's our first excerpt from Pugmire, straight from Eddy!


Pugmire is a game that has hidden depths. It’s also a very broad game, with potential to go in a lot of different directions in terms of tone and underlying story, depending on how you play it. While I encourage everyone to enjoy Pugmire in whatever way works best for them, I did write a little in Pugmire Early Access about the theme, mood, and core action of the game as I envision it.  

Theme: Companionship as Salvation  

Pugmire is a game set in a world of dog people, but the fact that they are dogs only gives context to the fact that they are people. They struggle to be moral and true while adrift in the dangerous and mysterious world they have inherited. Many dogs use the Code of Man to guide them, and the first tenet of the Code is “be a good dog.” This is not a world of regimented good vs. evil, however, but one of a more fluid “good vs. bad.” Any bad dog can eventually be a good dog, and any good dog can make a mistake and end up as a bad dog. But what constitutes being a good dog is subjective, and a lot of conflict comes from the balance between morality and culture.  

In the end, a good dog is only measured by the opinions of others, so dogs work together. That is their strength, and when they are at their best. Working as a team, as partners, and as friends is how they have built a kingdom and made such progress in reclaiming the world for themselves. It is through these relationships that dogs find their salvation. They believe that as long as you follow the Code and are a good dog, everything will work out.  

Mood: Mystery  

At some point in humanity’s future, something of immense magnitude happened: the human race is gone. Did humanity die? Did they depart for distant stars, leaving the Earth behind? Did they change into something far different from anything we can comprehend? The reason is unclear — all that the dogs know of Man is what was left behind. The mystery of what happened is compelling to many dogs. Some mysteries will never be answered, and some answers will only create more mysteries. The Old Ones cannot be understood by objective facts that can be discovered — rather, they’re a mythological construct. They’re something between a pantheon of lost gods and an ancient race of progenitors, and there’s a lot about them that the various peoples of the world don’t agree on.  

What the dogs have learned, however, they use in whatever way makes the most sense to them. A miscellany of genetic memory, half-understood books, and ancient legends are combined in ways that, to us as players, seem humorous. The characters in Pugmire, however, take them seriously; Man and all things associated with them are treated by some with scholarly skepticism, and by others with religious reverence.  

Action: Exploration  

Pugmire is full of adventure. There are villages to protect from monsters. There are relics to be rescued from ancient towers. There are terrible injustices to overcome. There is food to steal for a poor but well-meaning family. There are political maneuvers from the cats to thwart. Dogs do things, and it is through doing things they learn more about Man, and about themselves.  

But more than anything, dogs explore. They are pioneers, seeking new horizons and journeying to them so they can learn more about their world and the people around them. They dig deeper into the history of places to find out what happened there. They learn about other nations, and perhaps make peace or go to war with them. They discover entire areas full of twisted, insane monsters bent on destruction. It is dangerous, but they keep on exploring, hoping to reclaim as much of this world as they can. Relics, justice, and knowledge are all good things to search for, but it is the search itself, the discovery of the unknown, that is the most important.

T-shirt and PDF adventure achieved! Up next: Pugmire anthology and adventure in the core book!
about 9 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 02:37:43 PM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^

Wow, this is quite a day. In just five and a half hours, you've pushed Pugmire past $35,000! That means that we're able to create the Pugmire KS t-shirt (which will be available at a discount on RedBubble for a limited time), and the first PDF adventure (which will be sent to everyone who backed a reward tier including a core book PDF).

Up next, at $50,000 of contributions, we will commission 3 short stories that will be combined with later stretch goals to create a Pugmire Fiction Anthology PDF/eBook that we will send to all backers who pledge for a reward tier that include a Pugmire PDF. Included in these three stories will be a story featuring Alistair Afghan and his valet, Darcy Cat, by Pugmire creator Eddy Webb.

After that, at $65,000 of contributions, we will include the Pugmire Introductory Adventure in the main Pugmire book itself, increasing the book's word count and usability.

Thank you for your support!

about 9 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:12:25 AM

Hi, I'm Rose Bailey, Onyx Path's development producer. Along with Pugmire creator Eddy and OP Creative Director Rich Thomas, I'll be running this Kickstarter. :)

We funded in exactly one hour, and I'm dreadfully excited about it! Here are a few words from Eddy:


Wow. At Midwinter, I told people that I had a prediction of when the Kickstarter would fund: four days. Everyone told me I was nuts, that it would fund in a day or two at most. I smiled, thanked them, and went on.  

Well, looks like most of us were wrong. I'm speechless at how many people have shown their support of this game. You are all good dogs to me!

Thank you all so much. Now, on to the stretch goals to see where Pugmire can really go!


Rose again:

Up next, at $20,000, we'll offer an exclusive Pugmire KS t-shirt, saying something like "I'm a good dog. I backed the Pugmire Kickstarter." Well put it on our RedBubble store for sale at the deepest discount they'll let us do it for a limited time after which we'll change the design- and we'll tell you folks about it first so you can order one if you want. We estimate that you'll be getting about a $10 discount.

After that, at $35,000, we'll be able to create a Pugmire Introductory Adventure PDF, which we'll send to all backers who pledged for a reward tier including a Pugmire core book PDF.

As Eddy said, thank you all!

Early Access Pugmire Link
about 9 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 09:02:11 AM

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