
Pugmire Fantasy Tabletop RPG

Created by Richard Thomas

Contribute to help us create a beautifully illustrated, traditionally printed hardcover version of Pugmire for sale in stores.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September update: Writing is complete!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 06:59:12 PM

Hi folks, Rose here. :) I'll just jump ahead and turn the floor over to Eddy:


Hello, happy dogs! I had a wonderful time in Toronto at Fan Expo Canada, where I met a couple of Kickstarter backers (thank you again!) and made some new Pugmire fans. All of the Pugmire games I ran went well, and everyone seemed excited for the future! 

When I got back, I immediately went heads-down for the final push on the Pugmire manuscript. And I'm happy to say...


Yes, the manuscript finally has all its words written! But before you grab a celebratory drink, I should quickly clarify that while I have a complete manuscript, it still needs some revision work by me, and then a pass by an editor who isn't me to make sure that I didn't accidentally write "dribble dribble dribble" somewhere. Then it goes to layout, and there's a couple more passes between me and the layout artist. So, we still have a few months to go before a digital version of the book will be in your hands. But now I can start talking about getting art with Rich and the incredibly talented Mike Chaney, I can get the background material off to the anthology folks, and a lot of other things can move forward now that I have something resembling a complete game on my hands. 

Okay, now you can have your drink, as I move on to other updates. 


As soon as I get things ready for the editor, I'll compile a pre-edited manuscript of new bits that I could use some playtesting on. This will be things like revised tricks, new spells, and new enemies. I'm anticipating about 4 weeks of time for people to run the new material in their home game and send feedback, so if you have a group that's interested in kicking some new rules around, see if they're free in October! 


Last month I mentioned I was having a bit of trouble getting all the backer characters in. I was planning to discuss it with Rich, and right before the meeting I realized that just about all of the characters fit into the calling and breed spreads! So, 13 of the dog characters will have illustrations, official Pugmire names, and a quote. Here's a small example of the text: 



“Most dogs say the only monsters are outside Pugmire’s walls, but I’ve seen civilized dogs do horrible things to each other. That’s why I’m here to dig out the real monsters, even if I have to break the law.” 

— Satyrini Papillon 



Some of those characters are also sprinkled through the rest of the text. For example: 

The captain of the Royal Guard is chosen by the current ruler, and the rest of the Royal Guard are chosen by the captain. The current ruler, King Puckington, chose Sir Albert Corgi as his Captain of the Royal Guard, and Sir Albert has served faithfully ever since.

Also, two characters ended up as NPCs in the adventure, but I'll leave that as a surprise. :) 

As for the cat characters, I did discuss them with Rich, and I think we'll probably save them for the Monarchies of Mau Early Access book. Since we're hoping to have the Monarchies of Mau Kickstarter in early 2017, that's not much of a wait, and all the cat characters will have a place where they're the focus, instead of being shoved into a book about dogs. 


This has been put off for a bit, but for good reason, as Earplay announced they have the license to product interactive audio products for Wraith: The Oblivion! So we put together a spooky ghost story for people at the Grand Masquerade in New Orleans. It was an insanely tight schedule, but everyone really loved the final result. It really showed us that people get the potential power of interactive audio, and I hope fans will love Pugmire Earplay just as much. We did learn that it doesn't take much time to go from the germ of an idea to a final product, so once the Pugmire Earplay kicks into gear, things will move pretty quickly to getting the experience into your hands (certainly much faster than producing a full RPG book!). 


Jim and I are discussing contracts, but he's already reached out to some writers, and thus far lots of folks are either eager to be on board, or they're waiting to see if they can make time in their schedule. Once all the contracts are signed and pitches are accepted, I'll let everyone know the final list of authors for the anthology, but so far I'm really excited about who is coming on board! 


Another project that was waiting on getting a final manuscript together was "Pan's Guide for New Pioneers," which is intended as a supplemental guide to teach people new to RPGs and Pugmire in particular how to play. I had a few weird ideas of how that product could evolve, but I knew I wasn't going to have time to focus on it, since I have to shift gears to work on Monarchies of Mau. 

I'm happy to report, however, that Matthew "Gentleman Gamer" Dawkins has agreed to be the developer for that product in my stead! I've had the privilege of working with Matt on a few different Vampire: The Masquerade products, and he also was kind enough to run a Pugmire game for me during the Kickstarter. Check it out on YouTube if you missed it. 

Like with Jim Lowder, I trust Matt with my world, and I think he'll do a fine job with it. I've already brain-dumped much of my vague, weird ideas on him, and he'll mulling them over. He's a busy guy and has a lot of other projects to wrap up this month, but come October he should be able to focus on Pan's Guide. I can't wait to see what he comes up with!


My travel is done for the year, but I still have one more convention to attend. If you're going to be at SIEGE in Atlanta on October 7th through the 9th, stop by! I'll be hosting a panel on writing for franchises in video games, but I'll be happy to chat about Pugmire or anything else during the show.

And with that, I'm back to work. See you next month!

August Update
over 8 years ago – Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 07:49:21 PM

Hey, folks, Rose here, with your August update! And now I'll turn the floor over to Eddy...


I am back and (relatively) rested up from a wonderful and insanely busy Gen Con. Thanks so much to all the backers who stopped by to say hi! I had some good meetings at the show, and I announced some things as well. There's a lot to cover, so let's dive right in!


Still in very early stages, but we're at the "discussing how to spend the budget wisely" stage of things. I've been chatting with some professional actors about providing voice work on Pugmire and/or other potential audio projects. Everyone I've talked to has been really excited so far, which is very heartening!


The magic chapter, enemies chapter, and introductory adventure are all redlined and back to the writers. I should be getting final drafts from them soon. Further, I've been heads-down in writing my own chunks of the book, and I'm pretty far along. In fact, here's a snapshot of where things are at with the manuscript as a whole.

  • Credits Etc: 939 words
  • Player's Prologue: 753 words
  • Introduction: 3,434 words
  • Yosha's Journal: 5,175 words
  • Character Creation: 21,908 words
  • Playing the Game: 6,510 words
  • Magic: 17,061 words
  • Guide's Prologue: 685 words
  • World of Pugmire: 8,655 words
  • Guide Advice: 0 words
  • Masterworks: 2,645 words
  • Enemies: 8,362 words
  • Adventure: 7,751 words
  • Afterword and legal text: 1,291 words

Total: 85,169 words (out of 100,000)

My goal this month is a little over 6,000 more words on the world of Pugmire, and 8,000 words of Guide advice. It's a lot to get through, and wordcount may shift around, but I hope to have a complete (unedited) manuscript by early September.

This means we're still on track to have the PDF out to backers in January 2017, with printing taking place soon after that.


While working on the world chapter, I've gone through the backer suggestions for places. As we mentioned when the campaign was running, I've been editing all of the suggestions to fall in line with the world I'm creating, but I have been trying very hard to keep the spirit of the suggestions as much as possible. Here are two of the locations I've written so far, to give you an idea of how they're turning out.

The Spilled Dish and the Dirty Bowl 

These two taverns have been rivals for years. The Spilled Dish was built by Tag and Winston Spaniel, along with their sister Sparks and her husband Yogs Bernese. It was meant to be a nice, quiet place for miners and other working class dogs to have a drink and unwind. Soon after it opened, however, a retired pioneer named Mad Guinness Cocker built the Dirty Bowl right across the street as a haven for adventurers, hunters, and free dogs to loudly blow off some steam. The city guard has broken up several fights between the patrons of each establishment, but the tensions between the two won’t die down. The Spaniels have made several offers to buy the Dirty Bowl, but Cocker refuses. He’d rather spend his money repairing the cheap furniture in his place than give up his tavern.


I've also worked in those people who pledged both to have illustrated NPCs and to just have character names added. There are a lot, and not all of them work well, but I've got some in there so far. Here's an excerpt! Imperial Exploration, and the War

[...] Jake Staffordshire was instrumental in the development of Waterdog Port, passionate to use the fleet to explore lands beyond the mountains and the forest surrounding Pugmire. He formed “Jake’s Pioneers,” an organization devoted to exploration on both sea and land. He organized and funded a few expeditions that managed to reach a variety of strange lands (most notably the lands where the lizards lived). Only one expedition made it back, but they brought with them a variety of masterwork artifacts.

Queen Lilly Springer II, in recognition of Jake Staffordshire’s work and vision, gave his organization royal sanction, and it was renamed to the Royal Pioneers of Pugmire. [...]


One of the meetings I had at Gen Con was to get an editor for the fiction anthology, and I'm very happy to say that my good friend James Lowder has agreed to come on board! I need to work with him on contracts and sort out the writers we want to invite, but I'm extremely comfortable putting this project into his capable hands.

If you don't know Jim, he was heavily involved in the TSR fiction line both as editor and writer, so you know this is someone who understands how to help others make great fantasy stories. Plus, we've been talking for years about finding a project to work together on, and now I'm in a place where I can make that happen. Just check out his Wikipedia page to get a tiny glimpse into his amazing career. (


Finally, we made an announcement at the Pugmire panel at Gen Con. I know 2016 has been all about dogs, dogs, dogs. Well, the cat fans will get their turn next year, as Onyx Path has agreed to run a Monarchies of Mau Kickstarter in early 2017! Once the RPG manuscript is in editing, I'm going to turn around and dive into writing "Monarchies of Mau Early Access," which I'm currently visualizing as Renaissance Italy meets Prussia, but with cats.


So as you can see, things are picking up in the world of Pugmire. I'll be doing panels at some Pugmire games at Fan Expo Canada September 1-4 in Toronto, so hopefully I'll get to meet some of the Canadian backers!

July Good Dog Bulletin!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jul 06, 2016 at 11:09:00 PM

Hi, folks, Rose here. ^_^ Welcome to the July update for Pugmire.

We've got less than 100 Backer Kits yet to be filled out. Please make sure you've finished yours so we can get you your rewards!

And from there, take it away, Eddy!


Hello again! I don't have a lot to talk about since my last update in June, because unfortunately I had to go in for sinus surgery halfway through the month, and that threw off my plans a bit. However, there has been good progress. Here are some highlights:  

* Received the first draft of the magic chapter, and I've redlined it (meaning I've made comments, corrections, and suggestions to help David with his next draft). This means that, once this chapter is rewritten, the player half of the book is done! * Redlining the enemies draft from Rob now.

* Got the draft of the introductory adventure, while I'll be redlining next (hopefully later this week).

* Discussed the Pugmire Earplay story with Dave Grossman. He's generally liking where it's going, but we're planning a more detailed discussion in the near future.  

* Started discussion with a potential editor for the Pugmire anthology.

* Started compiling a mental shortlist of my preferred actors and authors -- nothing firm yet, but I have a good idea of the people I'm approaching first once things are more firmly in place.

* I've been watching the Geek & Sundry Pugmire shows, and chatting with some of the folks behind them to see if we can come up with more awesome Pugmire opportunities in future.

* More work with the Onyx Path team on the Pugmire presence at Gen Con, as well as working with Gen Con as an Industry Insider this year. 

There will be Pugmire demos running at the Onyx Path booth, as well as full Pugmire games on the schedule, run by the ever-amazing Wrecking Crew!  

Watching some people play Pugmire has helped me refine a few bits I was on the fence about, particularly around tricks. As I mentioned last month, I've been fiddling with them to make them all compelling. One piece of that is removing the restriction to only take a maximum of two breed tricks, and that all dogs in the same family are stuck with those tricks. I know my reasons for doing that previously, but in the end I realized that I was stopping people from trying out potentially cool tricks. Plus, explaining the restriction is actually more trouble than it's worth at the table, so in the end I decided to open that up. I also completely rewrote a couple of tricks. For example, I thought that the pointer tricks were a little weak, so I replaced one with this completely new one (as always, this is pre-edit text, so it may not show up in this form in the final book):  

Deductive Strike  

The pointer with this trick can observe an opponent to learn where her opponent’s weaknesses are. The pointer can observe one opponent as a free action. Any round after the one in which the pointer observed the opponent, she can make an attack roll using her Intelligence modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity. If successful, the Intelligence modifier also adds to her damage.  

One of the things I love about working on creative projects is collaborating with creative people. Rob has been doing a great job coming up with creative and compelling enemies for Pugmire, thinking of things that I couldn't come up with and finding the right balance between old fantasy favorites and new creepy creations. Here's an early peek at one of the new monsters!  

Leechtongue (CR 4)  

Travelers tell of dogs possessed by the Unseen licking their paws on the side of the road. Never ask these dogs to travel with you, because when you least expected it, they reveal their unending thirst. A black, barbed tongue lashes the victim around the neck and the leechtongue sucks all the water out of the poor thing, leaving a dried up husk in a ditch.  

Defense: 14

Stamina points: 44 

Speed: 30 feet 

Abilities: Strength 16 (+3), Dexterity 10 (0), Constitution 16 (+3), Intelligence 10, Wisdom 6 (-2), Charisma 10 (0) 

Attack: Claws (+6 melee, 2d4+3 piercing) and tongue lash (+6 melee, 1d10+3 bludgeoning) 

Tricks: Resistance to all damage except radiant, Darkvision 

* Dehydration: After a tongue lash, the target makes a difficulty 15 Constitution save. Failure indicates the target is Weakened until they can take a rest and rehydrate. 

* Battle Frenzy: The Leechtongue makes a claw and lash attack with the same action. 

Finally, I've been working on my travel plans. As I mentioned above, I'll be at Gen Con in August. I'm also going to be at Fan Expo Canada September 1-4 in Toronto. And I'm in discussions for another appearance in late September/early October. 

That's it for now. See you in August -- hopefully at Gen Con!

Another quick update from Eddy
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 11:37:31 PM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^ Eddy has a quick addendum to his update from earlier today:


Hey folks, Eddy again. Just wanted to post a quick clarification to my last update, since I've already gotten several (very nice, but still concerned) emails about this. In a nutshell: players will still be able to make their own breeds in Pugmire.  

Just like with Early Access, players will be able to make any breed they want. That hasn't changed, and won't change. There's no need to email me to ask if you'll be able to play a Tibetan Mastiff or a Swedish Vallhund or a Bedlington Terrier or a Finnish Spitz or a Norwegian Lundehund or a Catahoula Leopard Dog. The answer is yes! Any dog can adventure in Pugmire. :)

My update is only focused on making sure the example breeds make sense. So far I've gotten some feedback which has been a huge help, so thank you very much for that!

June update!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 08:03:54 PM

Hi, Rose here, with an update from Eddy!

Welcome back, good dogs! Since my last update in May, things have continued moving forward. Here are some highlights:  

* Talked over spells with David, and how we can make artisans and shepherds distinctive spellcasters  

* Reviewed Rob's initial enemy ideas, which led to some discussion of other species in the world  

* Outlined Pugmire Earplay story, which I'll be discussing with Dave Grossman  

* Getting some support material to Ivan and the crew at "No Survivors" to help them prep for their show on Geek & Sundry's Twitch stream  

* Working with the Onyx Path team on the Pugmire presence at Gen Con, as well as working with Gen Con as an Industry Insider this year  

* Processed some of the backer rewards, and started adding backer character names in where they make sense  

* Lots and lots of rewriting the manuscript  

As planned, May was the beginning of a top-to-bottom rewrite of the manuscript. This rewrite is less about rules and more about making sure that all the bits and pieces I wrote before still do what I need them to do, revising the parts that don't do what they should, adding material where it needs to be added, and pulling everything together into a more cohesive whole.  

Part of this is adding more support for newer players -- Early Access was always intended for people experienced with RPGs, but I want to give resources to people who have never rolled a d20 before. One of those resources is the introduction of sidebars featuring Yosha and Pan, in the style we had on the Kickstarter campaign page. Yosha talks about things that newer players need to know, while Pan points out elements more interesting to established players. Here's an example from the current text (caveat: this is all pre-editing, so it may not resemble the final text).  


Before you can start exploring the world of Pugmire, you need your own dog character.  


If you want to get started right away, you can portray me or one of my five friends! All you have to do is pick a dog that you want to play, copy down the relevant information, and start playing.  


Everyone shouldn’t try to play me, though — one dog per player, and that’s it. However, if you’re a veteran dog, or you just want to be a free dog and make your own character, skip ahead to p. XX. There you’ll find information on how to build a new dog from scratch.  


Another area I'm in the process of rewriting now is the breed section. The example families in Early Access generated a lot of interesting feedback! Even with the sidebar explaining that the breed groups are meant to be evocative, and the fact that some of my "breed groups" don't have any real-world analog, a number of folks had some strong opinions about which families went in which group. I took that feedback very seriously, and combined it with a few obvious examples I just missed last time. In addition, I reformatted them into a simple 1d6 table, so people who are feeling uninspired or need to quickly make a character can roll a family name. Here are the current tables!  


1. Affenpinscher  

2. Chihuahua  

3. Papillion  

4. Pomeranian  

5. Pug  

6. Shihtzu  


1. Afghan  

2. Labrador  

3. Doberman  

4. Malinois  

5. Springer  

6. Weimaraner  


1. Briard  

2. Canaan  

3. Collie  

4. Corgi  

5. Dachshund  

6. Sheepdog  


1. Border-Collie  

2. Bloodhound  

3. German  

4. Hound  

5. Poodle  

6. Retriever  


1. Borzoi  

2. Dalmatian  

3. Greyhound  

4. Rat-Terrier  

5. Shibainu  

6. Whippet  


1. Bernese  

2. Bulldog  

3. Mastiff  

4. Pyrenees  

5. Rottweiler

6. Wolfhound

PLEASE NOTE: If you still have a strong opinion about the family names, please email me at [email protected] -- I don't always get notification of comments on these updates, so email is the best way to get me your polite, constructive feedback!  

As I mentioned last month, other projects aside from Earplay are largely on hold until the core rulebook manuscript is done, or at least in a state where I can use it as reference for people I plan to hire. I might start on the anthology in June or July, however, since that only requires the setting to be formalized, and I could get those pieces in place sooner than the whole manuscript. We'll see -- my focus still is on getting the book folks backed together on time.

That's it for now. See you in July!